Who will get land under the draft transitional Land Law?19 May 2010 For more on land issues see our other web pages: Transitional Land Law (also Tetum) – Includes various drafts of the law in three languages, submissions and information on the public consultation process. Land Compensation – Explains compensation processes under the draft Land Law and Expropriation Law. Also outlines La’o Hamutuk’s concerns with the draft Real Estate Finance Fund law. When is it fair for the State to take private Land? (also Tetum) – Analysis on the draft Expropriation Law which allows the State to take land for public purposes and private companies, with few limitations. RDTL Strategic Development Plan 2011-2030 – Threatening Land Rights section explores the government’s plans to claim over 22,000 hectares of land, which many people depend on for daily needs. La'o Hamutuk Bulletin February 2010 (also Tetum) – Articles on Land Justice in Timor-Leste, Transitional Land Law, and Public Consultation on the Land Law. Land Processes in Timor-Leste (also Tetum) – An overview of land-related processes currently taking place. This includes documents, commentary and analysis from various sources. Can distributing Effective Registration Certificates resolve the land problem? (also Tetum), December 2011 President Vetoes Three Land Laws March 2012 Since April 2009, La’o Hamutuk has followed the development of Timor-Leste’s new land laws. We have participated in dozens of meetings with Government, donors, NGOs and communities on the draft transitional Land Law. Although there have been many discussions, most people still don’t know who will get land and who won’t. The complex rules in the draft law make it hard to understand - and in future hard to implement. La'o Hamutuk has prepared this simple guide to outline who is likely to get land when there is more than one claim.
“Neineik, neineik” protecting the eliteSo far there have been five drafts of the draft transitional Land Law, and few people know what is in the current draft before Parliament. While there have been some positive developments – such as ensuring that foreign companies cannot own land and providing communities with a more secure land title – the current draft law gives the State a huge amount of power to gain land. It allows the State to claim land that it is not currently using, which could be a very large area of land. The State can claim land in order to rent to private companies, or simply to increase its land-holdings and revenues. This could result in a large number of evictions and land insecurity that leads to social and economic instability. This is counter to the promise that the transitional Land Law will promote economic development and reduce conflict. La’o Hamutuk is preparing a submission to Parliament on the draft transitional Land Law. These are some of our concerns: State Land – In draft 1 provisions on community land would have seen over 90% of land as State administered land. This was then changed to allow a private community land title. Initially, all land without a valid land claim reverted to the State. The State could only claim land it was using. The law now allows the State to claim former State land that it is not using, even when others have a valid claim. Former State land covers a large area. The draft Strategic Development Plan outlines the State’s intentions to claim over 22,000 hectares of ex-State land – including land many depend on for daily needs. This will rob many people of land ownership. Ownership titles – In 1999 80% of land records were destroyed, making it difficult to cross-check records. Academic Daniel Fitzpatrick estimates that between 10 – 30% of Indonesian era land titles were issued corruptly – making it hard to track fraudulent titles. Prioritizing land rights for people with ownership titles, rather than people who have used this land for a long time, will increase evictions. Ministry of Justice advisors recommended against prioritizing hak milik and propriedade perfeita titles above people who have used this land for a long time and had a valid land claim, this advice was not followed. Community Land – Recognition of community land claims is weak in disputed cases. The uncertainty of the rights of long-term land-users to gain land ownership when someone has an ownership title, will also affect communities (art. 27). For communities who successfully claim land, their right to a secure land title has greatly improved since the first draft. To be realized this right will need to be secured by interim protections and a future law. The World Bank is preparing policy options for a Community Land Law for the Ministry of Justice but does not intend to consult broadly with communities. Mortgages and Compensation – For analysis see Land Compensation web page. Special Adverse Possession - The current rules on Special Adverse Possession requires a person to have peaceful and continuous use of land since 31 December 1998 if they are to gain title to land they are using (see Rights to Land under the draft Land Law). The Ministry of Justice estimates that the 1998 cut-off date could lead to thousands of people being evicted across the country. The advantages and disadvantages of using this date, or a later date that would reduce evictions, should be discussed publicly. Concentrated Land Ownership – The draft Land Law proposes a progressive land tax to prevent any one person or group from owning so much land that it inhibits others’ access to land. A land tax will only work if it is high enough to offset the potential profit people can make from controlling large areas of land. Other options to prevent a land-owning monopoly should be explored. Lack of detail – Some important details are left out of this law. Details on these decisions are relegated to future legislation – much of which will not go to Parliament. Private consultants and advisors that draft laws for the Ministry of Justice will play a large role in policy–making, rather than simply translating policy decisions into laws. There is no National Land Policy to guide decision-making. The law should state:
Land-related legislation currently being prepared or planned includes laws on Public Land, Private State Land, a Compensation Fund Mechanism, a Mortgage Law, a Tax Law that refers to land tax, a Community Land Law, a law on the Cadastral Commission and the Civil Code (which will decide the day-to-day rules for how land is managed). Cut-off dates – The law refers to people’s rights to land they are currently using. However, some people will be able to claim their land rights sooner, because the Ita Nia Rai data collection process allows them to gain their land title once the law is passed. Others will wait many years for a land register to reach them – they will have to remain using the land until this time. This could disadvantage people in rural areas, and those who leave their land when they marry, or for study or work. Making laws reality – The law is so complex that its implementers will find it hard to determine who should get land – this will increase corruption, uncertainty, implementation costs and the length of time needed to resolve land issues. There is still no clear planning process to prepare for many of the needs arising from new land laws. Access to independent information and advice is essential to ensure that people can access their rights under new land laws (see Land Justice in Timor-Leste).
The Timor-Leste Institute for Development Monitoring and Analysis (La’o Hamutuk) |