Sosiedade Sivil no Movimentu Agrikultor iha Timor-Leste |
Molok okupasaun Indonesia, Timor-Leste la depende ba rai liur atu hetan aihan. Tanba Indonesia la simu Timor-Leste nia soberania polítika, nia mós luta kontra Timor-oan nia independensia aihan nian. Indonesia halo aktividade barak ne’ebé estraga Timor-Leste nia sistema agrikultura no aihan hanesan halo kampańa ba aihan husi Indonesia (hanesan fo’os, Supermi no kafé Indonesia) no kontra aihan lokál. Sira mós muda ema husi sira-nia rai ne’ebé sira końese diak, estraga ai-laran no meiu ambiente (ho impaktu maka’as ba agrikultór sira). Sira mós promove aihan hanesan fo’os hodi hatama fini oi-oin husi Indonesia no la respeita fini lokal. Konflitu ho Indonesia mós halo ema ki’ak, tanba ne’e sira tenke estraga rekursus naturais atu hetan moris – hanesan tesi ai barak atu tein ka fa’an. Iha Timor-Leste ema 80% resin serbisu nudar agrikultor, no ne’e parte boot ba Timor-Leste nia ekonomia (se ema la kuda aihan, presiza osan barak atu sosa aihan). Maibe agrikultura seidauk hetan atensaun boot tebes-tebes kompara ho importansia ne’ebé nia iha. Agrikultor sira maioria hela iha area rural no la inklui iha diskusaun kona-ba prosesu dezenvolvimentu sira nia rai nian. Governu mos seidauk kria sistema diak ida atu fasilita informasaun ne’ebé naton ba agrikultor sira atu hakbiit liu tan sira. Membru sosiedade sivíl koko atu fó suporta ba agrikultura ne’ebé sustentavél iha Timor-Leste ho vizaun ida katak too tempu ida agrikultór sira sei representa sira-nia interese rasik ba nivel polítika iha Timor-Leste. Iha kraik:
| Prior to the Indonesian occupation, Timor-Leste did not depend on foreign countries for their daily food. Because Indonesia did not accept Timor-Leste’s political sovereignty, Indonesia also fought to destroy Timorese sovereignty for their food. Indonesia carried out many activities that destroyed Timor-Leste’s agriculture and food systems. Such as activities included campaigning for Indonesian food (e.g. rice, instant noodles, and Indonesian coffee) and against local foods. Indonesia also forcefully displaced Timorese from their land that they had known well, destroyed forests and environment (with huge impacts on peasants). Indonesia also promoted foods such as rice by bringing various seeds from Indonesia, without taking local seeds into consideration. Conflict with Indonesia also impoverished the local population; therefore, they had to destroy natural resources that people used live from – for example cutting many trees to cook with or sell. In Timor-Leste, 80% of people are farmers, thus it accounts for most of Timor-Leste’s economy (if people did not cultivate their crops, they would require a lot of money to buy food). Although agriculture is very important, the government has not given much attention to it. Most peasants live in rural areas, and their participation in the development process is ignored. Moreover, Government has not established a proper system to facilitate sufficient information and to empower local farmers. Members of civil society are trying to provide support for sustainable agriculture in Timor-Leste with the vision that one day the interests of farmers will be represented in the decision-making processes in Timor-Leste. Links below:
Komemorasaun Loron Mundial Luta Agrikultor sira nian 2010 Iha loron 16 fulan Abril 2010, HASATIL ho nia aliadus sira organiza aktividade marsa no diskusaun palku hodi komemora loron mundial luta agrikultor sira nian ne’ebé monu iha loron 17 Abril. Aktividade ne’e involve ONG sira, agrikultor no mos estudante sira. Iha sira nia statementu reprezentante husi HASATIL no mos husi grupu agrikultores sira nian husu ba governu Timor-Leste atu promove no proteze agrikultura iha rai laran, liu husi halo revizaun ba politika importasaun fos nian, programa povu kuda governu sosa no mos Lei ba Rai nian. Loron 17 Abril komemora nudar loron luta agrikultor sira nian hodi fo homenajen ba agrikultor 19 husi Movimento Sem Terra (MST) nebe’e polisia Brazil nian tiru mate iha loron 17 Abril 1996 wainhira halao marsa protesta kona-ba reforma rai nian hasoru rai nian boot sira iha Brazil ne’ebé lakohi husik sira nia rai.
| Commemoration of International Day for Peasant’s Struggle 2010On April 16, 2010, HASATIL and its members organized a march and discussion to commemorate International Day of Peasants’ Struggle that falls on April 17. This activity involved NGOs, local farmers and students. In their statement, the HASATIL representative and farmer groups demanded that TL’s government promote and protect domestic agriculture, through revising several policies such as rice import policy, the program "people plant and the government buys" and the Land Law. April 17 is the International Day for Peasant’s struggle, to honor 19 MST farmers who were shot to dead by Brazilian police on April 17, 1994. They were shot when they marched to protest about land reform against big landlords in Brazil who refused to give up their land.
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Rede Hametin Agrikultura Sustentavel Timor-Leste (HASATIL)HASATIL hari iha tinan 2002 ho membru hosi NGO Nasional no internasional hamutuk 15. Inisiativu hari redi ne’e husi aktivista Timor-oan sira ne’ebé iha hanoin hanesan kona ba oinsa dezenvolve agrikultura ne’ebé sustentavél iha nasuan foun Timor-Leste. Rede ne’e nia misaun mak atu organiza agrikultores sira atu luta ba sira nia direitu no mos halo advokasia ba nivel leten atu estabelese politika dezenvolvimentu agrikultura ida ne’ebé tane-an iha pilar tolu: Ekonomia Sustentavel, Ekologia Sustentavel no Sosial-Kultura Sustentavel. Hasatil nia Prinsipiu
| Strengthening Timor-Leste’s Sustainable Agriculture Network (HASATIL)HASATIL was established in 2002 with 15 national and international NGOs as its members. The initiative to establish this network came from Timorese activists who share the same vision on how to develop sustainable agriculture in this new country, Timor-Leste. Its mission is to organize farmers to fight for their rights, as well as to advocate at the national level for an agriculture development policy based on three pillars: sustainable economy, sustainable ecology, and sustainable socio-cultural. Hasatil’s principles
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Konferensia Internasional Daruak Foinsae La Via Campesina iha Timor-LesteHahu husi loron 25 to loron 29 Marsu tinan 2009, La Via Campesina hala’o aktividade konferensia Foinsae Agrikultura Regiaun Sudeste Asia no Asia Leste nian, iha Behau no Dili. La Via Campesina ne’e movimentu internasional ida ne’ebé luta atu proteze direitu agrikultores ki’ik sira no agrikultura familiar nian ne’ebé harii iha tinan 1993. Objektivu husi konferensia ne’e nian mak atu hametin luta Foinsae Agrikultura La Via Campesina iha rejiaun Asia Leste no Asia Sudeste nian ba direitu agrikultor sira nian no ba soberania aihan. Aprezentasaun husi Konferensia
Liga ba pájina kona-ba Prosesu Rai nomos kona ba Mudansa Klimátika | Second International Conference of Youth Peasants (La Via Campesina) in Timor-LesteFrom March 25 to 29 2009, La Via Campesina organized an East and Southeast Asia Youth Peasants conference, in Behau and Dili. La Via Campesina is an international movement that has fought for the rights of small farmers and family-based farming since 1993. The objective of this conference was to strengthen La Via Campesina Youth Peasants' struggle for their rights and food sovereignty in East and Southeast Asia. Conference Presentations
Link to pages about Land Processes and Climate Change on this website |
The Timor-Leste Institute for Development Monitoring and Analysis (La’o Hamutuk) |