Feb 2025: Rights and Sustainability: LH briefing on key issues facing TL. Powerpoint (also PDF).
Also Tetum PowerPoint (mós PDF)
Dec 2024: Buletin LH (Tetum)
ho artigu kona-ba Sustentabilidade Fiskál, Dezenvolvimentu Hafoin Tinan 25 Konsulta
Populár, Empréstimu no Risku,
Transparénsia no Partisipasaun Públiku iha Prosesu Orsamentál,
Orsamentu Jerál Estadu 2025, Ezbosu Lei Mudansa Klimátika (PDF)
Nov 2024: Surat Popular
Benefísiu no Dezafiu OMK mai Timor-Leste (Benefits and Challenges from the WTO for TL)
Nov 2024: State budget for 2025, including
LH submission to Parliament (Tet.),
LH letter to President (Tet.), graphics, documents and discussion
Oct 2024: Proposed Climate Change Law and documents,
LH submission (Tetum)
Oct 2024: Komunikadu Imprensa kona-ba Loron Mundiál Ai-han
Aug 2024: statement LH in
Solidarity with the Palestinian People (blog, mós
Aug 2024: LH Mid-Year Report, January-June 2024
Aug 2024: Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) in Timor-Leste: reports and background
Jun 2024:
Results of the 2023 Open Budget Survey, including
Country report on TL,
open letter
(also Tetum),
press release
(also Tetum),
global report,
May 2024: Video:
kona-ba Sustentabilide Fiskál iha Timor-Leste
May 2024: La'o Hamutuk Annual Report for 2023
May 2024: Australia tried to prosecute Bernard Collaery and Witness K
Feb 2024:
Komunikadu Imprensa:
Rejeita Adezaun ba WTO, Presiza Proteje no Promove Ekonomia Rai Laran (also
English or
Dec 2023: Buletin LH (Tetum) ho artigu kona-ba Investe Iha Setór Sustentável sira iha OJE 2024; Presiza Alternativu ba Rai-Naruk Fiskál; Rekursu Mina-rai no Gŕs bele Sustenta TL ba Tempu Naruk?; TL Preparasaun Integra Ba ASEAN; Dezafiu no Oportunidade Governu IX; Perfurasaun Mina-rai iha Covalima
Dec 2023: IX Constitutional Government: Members, program, congratulatory letter from LH
Nov 2023: Surat Popular Rai Naruk
Fiskál (Fiscal cliff)
Nov 2023: U.S. Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) re-engaging in Timor-Leste
Oct 2023: Blog Timor-Leste Preparadu Integra ba ASEAN?
Sep 2023: Presentation Chinese involvement in Timor-Leste: myths and facts (also PDF)
Aug 2023: LH open letter supporting TL government on Myanmar (also Tetum); also blog (Tetum)
July 2023: Aprezentasaun rua ba TLSA Prevene Timor-Leste ba Rai Naruk Fiskál no
Entre Esperansa ho Realidade ba Perfurasaun Mina Rai iha Covalima
July 2023: Parliamentary Election, results, documents, observer reports, congratulatory letter and laws.
Members of new Parliament
July 2023: Readjustment of the Strategic Development Plan
Mar 2023: Aprezentasaun Timor-Leste Presiza Foti Desizaun ba Ekonomia Sustentavel (mós PDF)
Mar 2023: Aprezentasaun Ekonomia Azul (mós PDF)
Blog The potential, challenges and risks of developing the blue economy in Timor-Leste / Poténsia, dezafiu no risku dezenvolvimentu Ekonomia Azúl iha Timor-Leste
Dec 2022: Buletin LH (Tetum) ho artigu kona-ba rai-naruk fiskál?, Transparénsia iha governasaun, Siklu orsamentál ba OJE 2023; Konsultasaun iha perfurasaun mina no gás iha Covalima; Dalan ba soberania ai-han; Saida mak ita aprende husi eleisaun 2022? (also PDF)
Dec 2022: Surat Popular Mudansa klimátika fó risku mai ita hotu no jerasaun tuir mai
Also blog Rezultadu husi COP27: Fundu Indenizasaun sei realiza, maibé emisaun gás estufa sei kontinua nafatin / COP27 Conference outcome: Loss and Damage Fund established, but emissions continue unabated
Also video Mudansa Klimátika no Kauza sira (mós high-resolution (98 MB))
Sep 2022: Three UN Universal Periodic Reviews (UPR) of Human Rights in TL
Aug 2022: Transparency requires information, not just pretty pictures / Transparénsia Ezije Informasaun, La’ós Imajen Furak De’it
June 2022: Materials from 2021 and 2022 TL and Development Partners Meetings, including LH letter (also Tetum) and blog (also Tetum)
July 2022: Presidential Election / Eleisaun ba Prezidente Republika iha tinan 2022
May 2022: Presentation and notes on Continuing Solidarity: the example of LH
Mar 2022: Presentation on The Resource Curse in Timor-Leste
Mar 2022: LH press release Stop War Against Ukraine / Hapara Funu Kontra Ukránia
Feb 2022: LH submission to NT EPA on pipelines related to the Barossa gas project and CCS at Bayu-Undan
Jan 2022: Buletin LH (Tetum) ho artigu kona-ba Orsamentu Jerál Estadu 2022; Lei Enkuadramentu Orsamentál; Diálogu Nasionál ba Simeira Sistema Ai-han; Tenke Hatuur ona ba iha Kondisaun Reziliénsia; Padre komete krime abuzu seksuál; Rai hela karbonu iha Timor-Leste nia Tasi Okos; LH apoiu povu Mianmar; Kazu Bernard Collaery no Witness K
Aug 2022: Ex-Priest Richard Daschbach charged with sexually abusing children / Eis-padre Richard Daschbach akuza ba abuzu seksuál hasoru labarik feto sira
(atualiza 9/24)
LH press release: Kazu abuzu seksuál: Presiza iha unidade atu respeita no suporta vítima, no asegura prosesu justisa la’o ho efetivu (also Sexual abuse case: We must come together to respect and support victims and to ensure that the justice process moves along)
Oct 2021: updated Timor-Leste 2021 Economic Survey: The End of Petroleum Income academic paper (also Tetum)
Sep 2021: LH submission to ANPM on the environmental license for the Rusa-1 test oil well in Ainaro, also blog: Onshore oil drilling imminent despite serious concerns
July 2021: LH memo to Development Partners Meeting (also Tetum)
July 2021: Civil society memo to the Ministry of Agriculture on the UN Food Systems Summit (also Tetum)
July 2021: LH letter to Timor-Leste leaders (also Tetum) urging support for democracy and human rights in Myanmar
July 2021: Proposed Criminal Defamation and Cybercrime Laws / Proposta Lei Penal rua Defamasaun no Krime Sibernetika, including submissions and text of draft laws
May 2021: State of Emergency / Estadu Emerjénsia with many documents
Mar 2021: Blog: New Budget Framework Law under discussion / Proposta Lei Enkuadramentu Orsamentu foun iha hela diskusaun
Feb 2021: Submisaun husi LH ba TIC kona-ba Planu Estratéjiku Identidade Úniku (UID) (also blog in English and Tetum)
Feb 2021: Indústria Transformadora Produtu Agrikultura iha Timor-Leste (also Tetum/English blog)
Feb 2021: Presentation Timor-Leste Economic Survey 2021 (also PDF, notes and video)
Jan 2021: Bobby Boye: Convict, Advisor and Fraud (also Tetum) sentenced to in prison in 2015; loses appeal; released six years later
Jul 2022: State budget for 2020, including three proposals, duodecimal regime, documents, presentations, graphs, LH submissions to Parliament (also Tetum) and enacted budget law
Nov 2020 blog: Rezultadu husi Global Hunger Index 2020 kredivel ka lae? / How credible is the 2020 Global Hunger Index?
Oct 2020: Surat Popular Kumpre Lisensamentu Ambientál sei Hamenus Risku ba Ambiente no Komunidade sira nia Moris
Oct 2020: LH Mid-Year Report, January-June 2020
Aug 2020: Registry of Environmental Licensing Documents / Dokumentu sira kona-ba Lisensiamentu Ambientál
July 2020: VIII Constitutional Government and its 2018 Program (also Tetum or Portuguese) and 2020 Members and organic law
June 2020: Agrikultura Familiar nudár Dalan ida ba Timor-Leste hodi Atinje Soberania Ai-han
June 2020: Video Kuidadu Natureza salva ita nia Futuru (22 MB MP4), ka bele hare iha YouTube ka iha high-resolution (87 MB MP4)
June 2020: Karta aberta kona-ba Problema Ambientál no Impaktu Mudansa Klimátika
May 2020: Maritime boundary dispute with Australia 2016-2020
Apr 2020: Surat Popular Mai Ita Hamutuk Bele Evita Surtu Covid-19 (We Come Together to Avoid Spreading Covid-19), also blog
Apr 2020: LH open letter to the Prime Minister (also Tetum) asking that emergency economic measures ensure equitable support for informal workers and vulnerable groups
Mar 2020 blog: Global economic developments hit Timor-Leste hard (also PDF)
Akontesimentu Ekonomia Global fó impaktu boot ba Timor-Leste (mos PDF), updated monthly
Dec 2019: Buying into Greater Sunrise at the cost of prudence and good governance
Oct 2019: LH Submission to the Australian Senate on returning to international legal mechanisms
Oct 2019: LH Submission (Tetum) to Parliament on proposed Mining Code
Aug 2019 blog: Invitation to Solidarity Conference and MKOTT exhibition
Declaration from International Solidarity Conference
Aug 2019: 2019 TL and Development Partners Meeting
June 2019: Presentation on 19 Years of La'o Hamutuk history (also PDF)
June 2019: Five La'o Hamutuk presentations to the TL Studies Association:
May 2019: Paper: After the oil runs dry: Timor-Leste economics and government finances
Mar 2019: LH nia submisaun ba Parlamentu on the draft Anti-Corruption Law
Mar 2019: State budget for 2019, with budget law, books and LH submission (Tetum or English)
Jan 2019: Blog Misinformation and Facts about the Greater Sunrise Project (also PDF)
Informasaun sala no faktu sira kona-ba projetu Greater Sunrise (mos PDF)
Jan 2019: Projetu CAFE / Eskola Referénsia ho lia-portugés: Tempu ona atu halo avaliasaun
The CAFE Project / Portuguese Language Reference Schools: Due for evaluation
O Projeto CAFE / Escolas de Referęncia em lingua portuguesa: Tempo para uma avaliaçăo
Dec 2018: Aprezentasaun Informasaun Importante ba Deputadu/a sira (mos PowerPoint) kona-ba Sunrise, Tasi Mane no OJE 2019
Dec 2018: Surat Popular: Ita labele husik dezenvolvimentu estraga ita-nia moris no ambiente
Nov 2018: Buletin LH (Tetum) ho artigu kona-ba Sosa partisipasaun iha Sunrise, Orsamentu Estadu 2018, Transparensia, Lisensamentu Ambiental , Konflitu Interese, Parseria Públiku-Privadu, Polítika Bee, Rejistrasaun Rai, Planeamentu Familiar
Nov 2018 blog: Lisensamentu Ambientál – hodi proteje ita hotu no Podcast
Nov 2018 blog: Planeamentu Familiar ida Inkluzivu La’ós iha Surat-Tahan De’it / Inclusive Family Planning Takes More Than Words On Paper
Oct 2018: Blog: Timor-Leste nia tasi tenke mantein nudár area protejidu ba ikan-baleia no golfińu / Timor-Leste’s waters must remain a sanctuary for whales and dolphins
Oct 2018: Blog: Buying part of Greater Sunrise from ConocoPhillips:What does it mean for Timor-Leste and the Pipeline? / Sosa Partisipasaun iha Greater Sunrise husi ConocoPhillips: Signifika saida mai Timor-Leste? Signifika saida kona-ba kadoras?
Sep 2018: Confronting the state's temporary cash flow problem / Enfrenta problema finansial temporáriu, ho LH Submission to Parliament (also Tetum)
July 2018: Blog: LH Reminds Authors that their Writing has Consequences / LH fó Hanoin ba Autór sira katak sira nia Hakerek iha Konsekuénsia
July 2018: Blog: Hamutuk ita bele! Fiar an, la’o ba oin! / Together we can! Trust in ourselves, move forward!
Apr 2018: The National Curriculum for Preschool and Primary Education
Kurríkulu Nasionál ba Pre-eskolár no Ensinu Báziku
O Currículo Nacional para o Pré-Escolar e Ensino Básico
Mar 2018: Article on Timor-Leste-Australia maritime boundary treaty (also PDF, abridged blog or Tetum)
Mar 2018: Blog 18 Years later: Should Timor drop the U.S. dollar? (also Tetum)
Mar 2018: Maritime boundary dispute with Australia 2012-2016
Jan 2018: Regulating Onshore Petroleum Operations
Oct 2017: Polítika Agrikultura / Agriculture Policy in Timor-Leste
Oct 2017: Atualizasaun prosesu pakote Lei ba Rai iha Timor-Leste
Oct 2017: proposed Private Investment Law and Policy, including LH submission on the law and our second submission on the policy
Blog: Private investment is a road, not a destination (mos Tetum)
Blog: Private investment isn’t a panacea: We need investments which benefit Timor-Leste’s people, not only investors
Sep 2017: Statement of Solidarity for Rohingya Community from Timor-Leste (mós Tetum)
Sep 2017 blog: Copenhagen Agreement: Permanent Boundary or CMATS redux?
Konkordánsia Copenhagen: Fronteira Permanente ka Neo-CMATS?
La'o Hamutuk (Walking Together in English) is a Timor-Leste non-governmental organization that monitors, analyzes, and reports on the principal international institutions and systems engaged in Timor-Leste as they relate to the physical, economic, and social reconstruction and development of the country. La'o Hamutuk believes that the people of Timor-Leste must be the ultimate decision-makers in this process and that this process should be democratic and transparent. La'o Hamutuk is an independent organization and works to facilitate effective Timorese participation, to improve communication between the international community and Timorese society, to provide resources on alternative development models, and to facilitate links between Timorese groups and groups abroad.
La'o Hamutuk welcomes reprinting articles or graphics from our website and Bulletin without charge, but we would like to be notified and given credit for our work.
In January 2025, La'o Hamutuk moved to Rua Felicidade (formerly Rua Cardoso
Dias), suco Gricenfor, aldeia Bairro Central, Plus code CHWM+58J Dili,
Click on the map below to see it larger.