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Presentations from the 2017 Timor-Leste Studies Association

Updated/Atualiza 6 May 2019

On 29-30 June 2017, the Timor-Leste Studies Association held its bi-annual international conference here in Dili, with presentations from more than 100 researchers, including five from La'o Hamutuk. Abstracts of all the papers are here.

Because many people are interested in more presentations than they could attend, we are posting many of the presentations to this web page.

To download the complete conference proceedings or any paper, go to

If you like La'o Hamutuk, please consider working with us.

See for information about the next TLSA conference, which will be in Dili on 27-28 June 2019.

Iha loron 29-30 Juñu 2017, konferénsia internasionál bianual Timor-Leste Studies Association nian la'o iha Dili, ho aprezentasaun husi peskizadór sira liu 100, inklui lima husi La'o Hamutuk.

Ema barak hakarak hatene kona-ba aprezentasaun sira ne’ebé sira labele asiste, ami tau aprezentasaun balu iha pájina web ida ne'e. Karik ita-boot halo aprezentasaun ida, bele lori ba La'o Hamutuk nia fatin ho USB ka email ba

Atu download artigu hotu husi konferensia TLSA 2019, liga ba  

Hare atu hetan informasaun kona-ba TLSA nia konferensia tuir mai, sei halo iha Dili iha loron 27 no 28, fulan Junu 2019.

 Title / Titulu (links to abstract / liga ba rezumu) Author Paper  Power Point    PDF    
As Bayu-Undan dries up: challenges and opportunities
Bainhira Bayu-Undan sei maran: dezafiu no oportunidade sira
Charles Scheiner, La’o Hamutuk1.4 MB En
.6 MB Te
9 MB En
9 MB Te
3 MB En
3 MB Te
Oil, debt and sustainability: Timor-Leste’s borrowing plans and their implications for the future
Mina, deve no sustentabilidade: Timor-Leste nia planu empréstimu no nia implikasaun ba futuru
Niall Almond, La’o Hamutuk.3 MB En2 MB En
2 MB Te
2 MB En
2 MB Te
Dezenvolvimentu projetu infrastrutura sira no dezafiu ba implementasaun lisensamentu ambientál iha Timor-LesteAdilsonio da C. Junior, La’o Hamutuk.2 MB Te12 MB Te1 MB Te
Malisan Rekursu iha Timor-Leste: Hosi Jestaun Fundu Petrolíferu no polítika orsamentálJuvinal Dias, La’o Hamutuk.5 MB Te.4 MB Te.3 MB Te
Dezafiu ba Indústria Ki'ik Prosesamentu Produtu Agríkola iha Timor-LesteMaxi Tahu, La’o Hamutuk 2 MB Te.5 MB Te
Timor-Leste: From the Lens of Binary OppositionsJosh Trindade Video2 MB Te
Esperensia Dezenvolve Kualifikasaun Nasional no Kursu area Servisu Sosiàl Nivel 3Evangelina Guterres, Faustina Yustinus, Zelia Hornay, Johana Shinta Dewi, Joana Vilanova, Emily Morrison, ho Kathryn Robertson, Nabilan/TAF  1.5 MB Te
Attitudes Toward Tetun DiliMelody Ann Ross  .6 MB En
The Future of Rural Schools Development in Timor-LestePeter Clements, architect  2 MB En
Adapting the Women’s Empowerment in Agriculture Index (WEAI) tool in TL – a methodological reflectionGianna Bonis-Profumo, CDU RIEL  .8 MB En
Review of the Roadmap for Implementing the SDGs in Timor-Leste: Achievements and Limitations, also Report of this review, March 2018 recommendations to the incoming government (also Tetum) and March 2019 report on Stakeholder Commitments to the SDGsJerry Corvisanos, Federation Uni and Matias Boavida, UNTL  .2 MB En


The Timor-Leste Institute for Development Monitoring and Analysis (La’o Hamutuk)
Institutu Timor-Leste ba Analiza no Monitor ba Dezenvolvimentu
Rua D. Alberto Ricardo, Bebora, Dili, Timor-Leste
P.O. Box 340, Dili, Timor-Leste
Tel: +670-3321040 or +670-77234330
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