On 29-30 June 2017, the Timor-Leste Studies Association held its bi-annual international conference here in Dili, with presentations from more than 100 researchers, including five from La'o Hamutuk. Abstracts of all the papers are here. Because many people are interested in more presentations than they could attend, we are posting many of the presentations to this web page. To download the complete conference proceedings or any paper, go to http://www.tlstudies.org/ConfPro2017.html. If you like La'o Hamutuk, please consider working with us. See http://www.tlstudies.org/Conference.html for information about the next TLSA conference, which will be in Dili on 27-28 June 2019. | Iha loron 29-30 Juñu 2017, konferénsia internasionál bianual Timor-Leste Studies Association nian la'o iha Dili, ho aprezentasaun husi peskizadór sira liu 100, inklui lima husi La'o Hamutuk. Ema barak hakarak hatene kona-ba aprezentasaun sira ne’ebé sira labele asiste, ami tau aprezentasaun balu iha pájina web ida ne'e. Karik ita-boot halo aprezentasaun ida, bele lori ba La'o Hamutuk nia fatin ho USB ka email ba laohamutuk@gmail.com. Atu download artigu hotu husi konferensia TLSA 2019, liga ba http://www.tlstudies.org/ConfPro2017.html. Hare http://www.tlstudies.org/ConferenceTet2019.html atu hetan informasaun kona-ba TLSA nia konferensia tuir mai, sei halo iha Dili iha loron 27 no 28, fulan Junu 2019. |