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2011 OECD process on Aid Effectiveness in Fragile States
Prosesu OECD nian kona-ba Efikas Asistensia nian iha Estadu Frajil sira

24 February 2011.  Updated 26 September 2014.

La'o Hamutuk has posted this web page and links at the request of the Aid Effectiveness Division of the RDTL Ministry of Finance, although we are responsible for some of the text.
Click here for information on the September 2010 Fragile States Dialogue in Dili or for the 2012 Timor-Leste and Development Partners Meetings.
Since 2009, Timor-Leste has joined and become one of the leaders of international processes relating to "Fragile States" and aid effectiveness.  In 2010, Dili hosted an "International Dialogue on Peacebuilding and Statebuilding," and presented a report from their Fragile States monitoring process in 2009. This process is based on the "Principles for Good International Engagement in Fragile States and Situations" which emerged from many conferences trying to understand why foreign aid often produces few results:Desde tinan 2009, Timor-Leste partisipa no sai mos lideransa ba prosesu internasional "Estadu Frajil" no Efikasia Asistensia nian. Iha tinan 2010, Dili sai uma nain ba konferensia "Dialogo Internasional kona-ba Harii Dame no Harii Estadu," no fo sai relatorio (Ingles) husi monitorizasaun durante tinan 2009. Prosesu ida ne'e bazeia ba Prinsipius Intervensaun Internasional Efikaz  iha Estadu Frajil sira no iha Situasaun Frajil sira. Prinsipiu sira ne'e mai husi konferensia barak ne'ebe buka hatene tanba sa asistensia internasional dala barak la dun fo resultadu di'ak.
    1Take context as the starting point.Kaer kontextu nudar pontu de partida.
    2Ensure all activities do no harm.Evita Estragus.
    3Focus on state building as the central objective.Fokaliza hari’i Estadu nudar objetivu sentral.
    4Prioritise prevention.Fo prioridade ba prevensaun.
    5Recognise the links between political, security and development objectives.Rekoñese ligasaun sira entre objetivu polítiku, seguransa no dezenvolvimentu.
    6Promote non discrimination as a basis for inclusive and stable societies.Promove não-diskriminasaun nudar baze sosiedade sira nebé goza estabilidade no inkluzaun sosial.
    7Align with local priorities in different ways and in different contexts.Aliña tuir prioridade lokal sira iha forma oi-oin no tuir kontextu distintu sira.
    8Agree on practical co-ordination mechanisms between international actors.Buka konsensu konabá mekanizmus prátikus koordenasaun nian entre ator internasional sira.
    9Act fast… but stay engaged long enough to give success a chance.Atua lalais … maibé envolve’an nafatin durante tempo natón atu garante sustentabilidade.
    10Avoid pockets of exclusion (“aid orphans”).Evita hamoris bolsas exkluzaun nian.
In 2011, it is time to update the report, according to this overview, which was described at a January presentation in Dili. As the 2011 survey builds on work done in 2009, the new survey will explore progress since 2009 and how the priority actions identified in the 2009 report have been implemented, or not.

The National Directorate for Aid Effectiveness (NDAE) in the RDTL Ministry of Finance is working with consultant Greg Wilson to complete the 2011 survey for Timor-Leste, which includes 3-4 questions about each principle. They are holding "Focus Group Discussions" to learn about people's views, guided by five broader questions (English/Tetum), and they welcome input from civil society organizations and others. They would also like comments on whether international engagement in Timor-Leste is consistent with each Fragile States Principle, or fails to respect it.

They are exploring these issues from the viewpoints of donors, Government and civil society, and would like to identify what is needed to make aid work better here, what obstacles can be eliminated, and how. If some of the Fragile States Principles should be amended or do not apply to Timor-Leste, that would also be good to discuss.

 The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) has published general guidance for monitoring the Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness, as well as a specific guide to help governments and donors complete the 2011 FSP implementation survey.

Iha tinan 2011, tenke atualiza relatorio ida ne'e bazeia ba informasaun nebe haktuir iha aprezentasaun iha Janeiru iha Dili.. tanba survey 2011 nian bazeia ba peskiza ne'ebe halo ona iha tinan 2009, survey foun sei esplora progresu hahu husi tinan 2009 no haree se  aksaun prioridade (Ingles) nebe identifika ona iha relatorio 2009 nian implementa ona ka seiduauk.

Diresaun Nasional for Aid Effectiveness (NDAE) iha Ministeriu Finansas RDTL nian servisu ho consultan Greg Wilson atu kompleta survey 2011 iha Timor-Leste, inklui pergunta 3-4 (Ingles) kona-ba prinsipiu ida ida. Sira organiza  Diskusaun "Focus Group" atu aprende povo nia hanoin, bazeia ba peergunta boot lima. Sira mos buka komentariu ruma husi sosiedade sivil no ema seluk, no hakarak hatene se partisipasaun internasional iha Timor-Leste respeita kada prinsipiu Estadu Frajil, ka la'e.

Sira esplora asuntu sira ne'e husi perspektiva doador sira, Governo no sociedade sivil, no hakarak hatene saida mak Timor-Leste presiza atu halo asistensia efikaz liu tan, no oinsa bele elimina dezafiu balun. Se ita presiza halo alterasaun ba Prinsipu balun, ka la aplika ida ba Timor-Leste, mos bele diskuti ida ne'e.

These photos are from a discussion held with civil society on 24 February 2011 to gather information for the report. Click on any of them to see it larger:

Foto sira ne'e husi diskusaun ho sosiedade sivil iha loron 24 fulan Fevereiru atu hetan informasaun ba relatoriu ida ne'e.  Hili ida atu haree boot liu.

On 17 March 2011, the Ministry of Finance hosted an all-day National Consultation Meeting on a preliminary draft of Timor-Leste's report to the Fragile States process.

Following the consultation, NDAE circulated a revised draft on 11 April.  They asked for comments and feedback from a wide range of "stakeholders" by 6 May (extended from the original date of 26 April). The focal points for donors and civil society are listed on the first page of the revised draft. La'o Hamutuk made a 10-page submission.

In July, the annual 2011 Timor-Leste and Development Partners meeting took place in Dili.  La'o Hamutuk circulated some observations to the participants.

In September, OECD published the final version of the Timor-Leste 2011 country report on International Engagement in Fragile States.

The 2012 Timor-Leste and Development Partners meeting was in Dili during the second week of May, and civil society made a presentation.

In mid-2012, the Government undertook an assessment of Timor-Leste's fragility, including a session attended by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon. La'o Hamutuk made a written submission (Tetum) to the Peacebuilding and Statebuilding sector of the process.

In December 2012, La'o Hamutuk's Ines Martins participated in a New Deal conference in South Sudan, and she reported back in Tetum Feto iha New Deal (also PowerPoint).

In February 2014, LH  Responded to a Questionnaire from the Ministry of Finance on Evaluating the New Deal in Timor-Leste Resposta husi LH ba Avaliasaun Akordu Foun estadu TL.  The final survey results included many of La'o Hamutuk's comments.

Additional English-language documents from the OECD website may be useful:


The Timor-Leste Institute for Development Monitoring and Analysis (La’o Hamutuk)
Institutu Timor-Leste ba Analiza no Monitor ba Dezenvolvimentu
Rua dos Martires da Patria, Bebora, Dili, Timor-Leste
P.O. Box 340, Dili, Timor-Leste
Tel: +670-3321040 or +670-77234330
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