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Major Oil and Gas Fields in the Timor Sea


Map and ownership graph

Within the Joint Petroleum Development Area (JPDA)On the border of the JPDA or contested with Australia Areas in Timor-Leste's undisputed territory contracted in 2006
bulletExploration contracts were signed with Eni and Reliance
Elsewhere in the Timor Sea
bulletJahal - Kuda Tasi
bulletGreater Sunrise
Areas in the JPDA contracted in 2006
bulletExploration contracts were signed with Petronas, Oilex and others
bulletPetrel-Tern (Australia)
bulletJabiru (Australia)
bulletEvans Shoal (Australia)
bulletAbadi (Inpex, Indonesia)

Map showing oil and gas field locations

The Timor Sea is divided between East Timorese, Australian, and Indonesian territory, as explained in the May and July 2002 La’o Hamutuk Bulletins. The map below, from the July Bulletin (explanation of map terms), shows the location of each field and relevant boundaries, both from the Timor Sea Treaty (JPDA) and from historical and legal references.

Link to map and listing of Production Sharing Contracts in the Joint Development Area.

Link to map and listing of Production Sharing Contracts in Timor-Leste undisputed territory.

Click on a field in the map below for more information about it.


The Northern Territory Government (Australia) has published a map. Click on the thumbnail image at right to get a bigger image in a separate window. In August 2003, the NT government published a number of fact sheets, including Timor Sea Oil and GasTimor Sea Oilfields, and Timor Sea Gas Discoveries.  The Timor Sea one is also available as PDF.



The following graph shows the amount of oil and gas resources remaining in each field as of the middle of 2002, plus which international oil companies have signed production-sharing contracts (PSC's) with the Australian and/or East Timorese governments to allocate the oil resources.

Click on a company or oilfield name in the following graph to go directly to more information about it.

Since the above graph was prepared, shares in Bayu-Undan have been sold to Tokyo Electric Company and Tokyo Gas Company, and shares in Laminaria-Corallina to Paladin llc and then to Talisman.

How the ownership of the fields has changed over time

This table shows the percentage of the upstream revenues Timor-Leste will be entitled to under the different legal regimes proposed from 1999 through 2006.

Name of fieldIndonesia pre-99 (TGT)TL by UNCLOS (legal rights)TL under treaties 2003 (TST&IUA)TL under treaties 2006 (CMATS)Total oil reserve
million barrels
Total gas reserve
trillion cubic ft
Oil already produced (9/06)Gas already produced (9/06)
Greater Sunrise10%100%18%50%2907.700.0


Calculations by La'o Hamutuk, November 2006
Sources: Woodside and Santos corporate reports, RDTL press releases, and treaty documents


bulletOperator: ConocoPhillips (57.2%)
bulletPartners: ENI (11%), Santos (11.4%), INPEX (11.3%), Tokyo Electric Power Company/Tokyo Gas Co. (9.2%) (August 2007)
bulletOffshore Technology information (2000)
bulletBayu-Undan oilfield map from Phillips; map showing wells
bulletBayu-Undan: Catalyst for a New Energy Province by Phillips CEO Mulva at Australia Petroleum Conference (2000)
bulletBayu-Undan gas and condensate field, Bonaparte Basin, geological information from APPEA (2000)
bulletNT Government fact sheets:  Aug. 2003 PDF    March 2002
bulletEast Timor Government fact sheet
bulletExtensive Phillips website on Bayu-Undan, with many photos (not updated since 2002)

Project introductionmapoperationscontactsmaterialsengineeringdrillingjobshealth and safety

bulletProject updates: 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002
bulletSlide shows: Project Overview (13 March 2000)
                     Doing Business (7 October 2000)

Audiovisuals: photossite camera (must be on-line), fly-through video simulation

bulletNT Chief Minister Clare Martin Pushes for Territory Jobs during Discussions with Conoco Phillips (Dec. 2002)
bulletProduction Sharing Contracts finalized (16 May 2003). Links to full text of Contracts
bulletDescription of Bayu-Undan Condensate properties from Santos
bulletPhotos of Bayu-Undan construction and platforms (June 2003)
bulletSantos press release on final Bayu-Undan approval, June 2003 (PDF)
bulletTokyo Electric finalizes participation in Bayu-Undan (June 30, 2003)
bulletTaxation of Bayu-Undan Contractors Act (July 2003)
bulletSantos projections for Bayu-Undan production, December 2003 (PDF)
bulletItalians (Eni) may say arrivederci to Bayu (news report, December 2003)
bulletInformation about Bechtel Corporation, main contractor for the Wickham Point LNG plant.  PDF.
bulletSantos Focus On Moomba, Timor Sea, Australian Financial Review, January 2004
bulletHistory of Technical Activities in the TSDA, Powerpoint presentation by Technical Director Nick Kyranis at opening of TSDA Information Center (Feb. 2004)
bulletPilot production begins at Bayu-Undan (13 February 2004)
bulletFirst condensate shipment from Bayu-Undan, Santos press release (March 2004)
bulletBayu-Undan loadings to suspend in April for maintenance (Feb/March 2005)
bulletNT Chief Minister celebrates soaring employment at Wickham Point LNG Plant (Feb. 2005)
bulletDescriptions of Bayu-Undan and Bayu-Undan LNG from Santos website. (Nov. 2005)
bulletFirst Payment of Profit Oil, TSDA Press release, (Dec. 2006)
bulletBayu-Undan and Darwin LNG: One Year On, (Northern) Territory Quarterly (January 2007)
bulletAustralia's Top Engineering Award Goes to Bayu-Undan Partners Fluor Corp., (Feb. 2007)
Award citation
bulletSantos quarterly filings with the Australian Stock Exchange include information on Bayu-Undan production and sales: 3Q 20054Q 2005, 1Q 2006, 2Q 2006, 3Q 2006, 4Q 2006, 1Q 2007, 2Q 2007, 3Q 2007.
bulletEzra clinches milestone contract for first heavy lift accommodation/pipelay vessel (19 June 2007)
bulletSantos increases its share of Bayu-Undan. Also media report. (July 2007)
bulletAustralian government responds on Timorese employed in JPDA (July 2007)
bullet40-day maintenance shutdown for gas field (5 September 2007)
bulletBayu-Undan maintenance shutdown over  (24 October 2007)
bulletSunrise LNG in Timor-Leste: Dreams, Realities and Challenges.  La'o Hamutuk (February 2008)
Contains much information about the LNG plant for Bayu-Undan


bulletOperator:  ConocoPhillips
bulletPartners: Santos, Inpex Sahul, Petroz and Emet
bulletNT Government fact sheet (Dec. 2001)
bulletNT fact sheet (August 2003) PDF
bulletProduction Sharing Contract finalized (16 May 2003). Links to full text of Contract
bulletSantos quarterly filings with the Australian Stock Exchange include information on Elang-Kakatua production and sales.
bulletDescription of Elang-Kakatua from Santos website (June 2005)
bulletTSDA: Potential for continued oil recovery from Elang-Kakatua (May 2007)
bulletConocoPhillips to exit Elang-Kakatua oilfield in Timor Sea (May 2007)
bulletAustralian government responds on Timorese employed in JPDA (July 2007)
bulletMODEC redeploys FPSO MODEC Venture 1 (August 27, 2007)
bulletTSDA invites Expressions of Interest (October 3, 2007)
bulletThe search for a new operator was abandoned on 31 January 2008.


bulletOperator: Nexen (took over from BHP in 1999)
bulletNT Government fact sheet 2001
bulletNT fact sheet August 2003
bulletOffshore Technology information
bulletClough seals new contracts (to decommission Buffalo), July 2004.
bulletNexen Suspends Work on Timor Sea Oil Field Due to Bad Weather, January 2005
bulletGovt considered spy probe oil platform, February 2005

Jahal - Kuda Tasi

bulletTimor Sea Designated Authority awards first contract under new PSC regime, June 2006
bulletNan Hai VI explosion and fire, July-August 2006
bulletPublic Notice and Production Sharing Contract 06-105 with Woodside, Inpex and Talisman replaced interim PSC JPDA 03-01, July 2006
bulletEni buys Woodside's share in JPDA 06-105, September 2007
bulletFor ongoing developments, see JPDA 06-105 below.

Greater Sunrise

bulletOperator: Woodside Australian Energy (33.4%)
bulletPartners: ConocoPhillips (30%), Shell (25.56%), Osaka Gas (10%)
bulletNT Government fact sheet March 2002
bulletNT Government fact sheet August 2003, and PDF
bulletEast Timor Government fact sheet on Sunrise Unitisation
bulletWoodside Update on Sunrise Project, June 2002
bulletSunrise Unitisation Agreement  signed 6 March 2003.  Australia's National Impact Analysis
bulletGreater Sunrise LNG Development presentation by Woodside to Asia LNG Markets conference, Singapore, March 2003
bulletHydrocarbons Technology information
bulletEast Timor lobbies for Sunrise gas processing on-shore (Feb. 2004)
bulletShell: Greater Sunrise stands to lose if floating LNG plan sinks, OGN, June 2004
bulletThe Case for Saving Sunrise. La'o Hamutuk, July 2004
bulletTreaty on Certain Maritime Arrangements for the Timor Sea (CMATS), January 2006
bulletThree articles on ConocoPhillips expansion plans for Sunrise and LNG, 19-20 June 2006
bulletTerritory awaits dawn of Sunrise, July 2007
bulletEast Timor unrest will hamper LNG project, August 2007
bulletWoodside Profit Rises 16 Percent as Oil Fields Start, August 2007
bulletSunrise LNG Development presentation from Woodside, September 2007
bullet(ConocoPhillips CEO) Mulva predicts progress at Sunrise development and Action is behind the scenes for LNG sector,  January 2008
bulletSunrise LNG in Timor-Leste: Dreams, Realities and Challenges.  La'o Hamutuk, February 2008
Including Tetum summary, extensive reference list, Powerpoints in English and Tetum, and PDF versions.
bulletWoodside's foot on gas in Timor and Woodside to spend $5b on projects this year, February 2008
bulletWoodside floating LNG plan, May 2008


bulletOperator: Woodside Australian Energy (65%)
bulletPartner: Paladin llc. (35%)
bulletNT Government fact sheet
bulletOffshore Technology information
bulletLaminaria Phase II starts producing, June 2002
bulletBHP Billiton sells its share of Laminaria-Corallina to Paladin Resources 2004
bulletWoodside Won't Lift Stake in Timor Sea Oil Fields, January 2005
bulletTimor Sea oil leak discovered, February 3, 2005
bulletPaladin increases shares in Laminaria-Corallina and nearby area, March 2005
bulletWoodside increases its share in Laminaria-Corallina, Woodside boosts stake in Timor Sea oil, March 2005
bulletWoodside conducts exploratory drilling in AC/P8, adjacent to Laminaria-Corallina, June-July 2005
bulletKaroon buys Woodside Acreage in Timor Sea (AC/P8), November 2007
bulletAnalysis of how much money Australia has made from Laminaria-Corallina, February 2008

Areas in Timor-Leste's undisputed territory contracted in 2006

In 2006, Timor-Leste conducted its first licensing round as an independent country, signing exploration contracts with Eni and Reliance.

Areas A, B, C, E and H are contracted with Eni.

bulletEni signs contracts with Timor-Leste, texts of contracts, November 2006
bulletGalp Energia Signs Agreements With Eni For Oil Exploration in Timor and Mozambique, April 2007
bulletEni's Environment Plan for a 3D_Marine_Seismic_Survey circulated for public comment. La'o Hamutuk made the only Submission, May 2007
bulletTSDA issues an access permit for Eni Seismic ship to enter into the JPDA adjacent to their blocks, May 2007

Area K is now contracted Reliance.

bulletReliance signs contracts with TL, text of contracts, November 2006
bulletReliance in talks with Indian Oil Company, October 2007
bulletLa'o Hamutuk submission on Reliance 2D/3D Seismic Survey Environment Plan, March 2008


Areas in the JPDA contracted in 2006

In 2006, the TSDA conducted its first licensing round as a TL-Australia agency, signing exploration contracts with several companies.

JPDA 06-101 & JPDA 06-101A

bulletPublic Notice Summary and Production Sharing Contract 06-101A were awarded to Minza Oil Ltd. without an invitation for the northern part of area 06-101, including the Chudditch field and nearby structures, on 16 August 2006 and signed on 30 October 2006.

JPDA 06-102

bulletPetronas-led joint venture with Korea Gas Corp, Samsung Corp and LG International Corp which won a contract in the TSDA in August 2006.
bulletPublic Notice Summary and Production Sharing Contract JPDA 06-102, 30 October 2006.
bulletTSDA grants Petronas an exception to competitive bidding to do seismic research with the CGC/Veritas "Orion," August 2007

JPDA 06-103

bulletOilex-led of joint venture with Bharat Petroleum Corp, Videocon Industries Ltd, and Gujarat State Petroleum Corp which won a contract for block 103 in the TSDA in August 2006. Each partner has 25% of the venture.
bulletOilex letter to ASX upon receiving TSDA contract award, 17 August 2006.
bulletPublic Notice Summary and Production Sharing Contract JPDA 06-103, November 2006
bulletTSDA grants Oilex an exception to purchase 3D seismic data from Fugro, May 2007
bulletWavefield Inseis secures JPDA seismic contract and related articles, July 2007 - January 2008
bulletVideocon to start drilling operations in Timor block next year, August 2007
bulletTSDA grants Oilex an exception to competitive tender to hire Enquest to provide quality control during seismic survey, September 2007.
bulletOilex requests and receives TSDA permission for a sole-source drilling contract to Transocean in area JPDA 06-103, April 2008.

JPDA 06-104 was awarded to Zetex, which later withdrew its bid.

JPDA 06-105

bulletPublic Notice Summary and Production Sharing Contract 06-105 with Woodside, INPEX and Talisman, signed on 24 July 2006, replacing interim PSC JPDA 03-01, for Kuda Tasi and Jahal.
bulletWoodside sold its share in JPDA 06-105 field to Eni, September 2007
bulletKitan-1 well strikes oil in JPDA 06-105, March 2008
bulletKitan in spotlight for East Timor, May 2008

Petrel-Tern (Australia, outside East Timor-Leste's EEZ)

bulletNT Government fact sheet Jan. 2002
bulletNT government fact sheet August 2003 (PDF)

Jabiru (Australia, outside East Timor-Leste's EEZ)

bulletNT Government fact sheet

Evans Shoal (Australia, outside East Timor-Leste's EEZ)

bulletNT Government fact sheet March 2002
bulletNT government fact sheet August 2003 (PDF)
bulletShell sells part of its share in Evans Shoal to Petronas, September 2007

Abadi (Indonesia, outside Timor-Leste's EEZ)


Inpex set to invest $88m in oil exploration (in Masela), May 2007


Wood Mackenzie Upstream Insight on Abadi_options and obstacles, July 2007

The Timor-Leste Institute for Development Monitoring and Analysis (La’o Hamutuk)
Institutu Timor-Leste ba Analiza no Monitor ba Dezenvolvimentu
Rua D. Alberto Ricardo, Bebora, Dili, Timor-Leste
P.O. Box 340, Dili, Timor-Leste
Tel: +670-3321040 or +670-77234330
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