Fo Hatene ba Konseillu Seguransa oinsa ita sente kona-bá justisa! Sira sei deskute Timor-Leste iha 23 Outubru. Konseillu Seguransa Nasaun Unidus sei enkontru kona-bá Timor-Leste iha fulan ne’e nia rohan, iha enkontru be końesidu hanesan debate ne’ebe nakloke, iha ne’ebe reprezentante sira husi membru konseillu 15 (haree lista iha okos) no governu seluk-seluk tan halo esteitmentu. Ba semana rua oin mai, diplomata iha Nova Iorke sei fó atensaun ba asuntu sira be involve Timor-Leste, inkluindu asuntu justisa, akuntabilidade no impunidade ba krime grave no violasaun direitus umanus ne’ebé halo durante Indonézia nia okupasaun husi 1975 too 1999. Ba tinan barak, diplomata sira ne’e rona ona husi ulun-boot Timór-oan, inkluindu José Ramos-Horta, Xanana Gusmăo no Zacarias da Costa, katak ema Timór-oan la iha interese ba justisa krime pasadu, basa nasaun ne’e iha prioridade seluk halo. Hanesan husik sai Maternus Bere foin lalais hatudu, governu Indonézia no Timor-Leste hanoin katak hakotu impunidade la importante liu dezenvolve relasaun amizade ho ema no instituisaun sira be halo ona krime grave hasoru ema Timor-Leste. Karik ita la konkorda ho hanoin ne’e, Konseillu Seguransa ONU presiza atu rona husi ita-boot sira, tan ne’e sira iha komprensaun di’ak kona-bá Timór-oan nia pontu-da-vista. Konseillu Seguransa iha kbiit atu harii Tribunál Internasionál ida, maibé sira sei nunka halo ida ne’e karik sira fiar katak Timor-Leste lokohi ida ne’e. Ba tinan barak, ONU promete ona justisa no akuntabilidade ba krime hasoru direitus umanus ne’ebé halo ona durante Indonézia nia okupasaun, maibé sira halo oitoan de’it ekseptu repete sira-nia prinsípiu katak “impunidade tenke la buras iha fatin ne’ebé de’it.” Karik José Ramos-Horta no Xanana Gusmăo la reprezenta ema-nia pontu-da-vista kona-bá asuntu impunidade, ida ne’e oportunidade atu fo hatene ita-nia ezijensia ba justisa diretamente ba lider komunidade internasionál. Fó hatene ita boot ne’e se, ita-boot nia hanoin saida, saida mak ita boot hakarak Konseillu halo, no tamba sa. Lalika laran-taridu ba formatu ka protokolu; hakerek tuir ita boot nia kapasidade. Karta bele halo husi individual ka organizasaun, iha lian Tetum ka Ingles, hakerek ho liman, hakerek ho makina ka haruka liu husi email. Karik karta mai husi organizasaun ida, favor tau kedas kop-surat. East Timor and Indonézia Action Network (ETAN) no International Federation for East Timor (IFET) sei halo kopia ita boot nia karta no lori ba kada membru Konseillu Seguransa iha Nova Iorke. Favor email karta ba iha formatu MS Word ka Adobe PDF, ka lori mai de’it iha edefisio La’o Hamutuk iha Farol. Favor haruka kedas ita boot nia karta wainhira ita halo hotu ona, maibé la bele kleur liu loron 19 Outobru. Keta haluhan hakerek ita boot nia naran no hela fatin. Membru Konseillu Seguransa: Austria | Fransa | Turkey | Burkina Faso | Japaun | Uganda | Xińa | Libyan Arab Jamahiriya | Englatera | Costa Rica | Mexico | Estadus Unidus Amerika | Croatia | Russia | Viet Nam |
| Tell the UN Security Council how you feel about justice! They will discuss Timor-Leste on 23 October. The United Nations Security Council will meet on Timor-Leste later this month, in what is known as an open debate, where representatives of the 15 members of the council (see list below) and other governments make statements. For the next two weeks, diplomats in New York will pay attention to issues involving Timor-Leste, including issues of justice, accountability and impunity for serious crimes and violations of human rights committed during the Indonesian occupation from 1975 to 1999. For years, these diplomats have heard from Timorese leaders, including Jose Ramos-Horta, Xanana Gusmăo and Zacarias da Costa, that the Timorese people are not interested in justice for past crimes, have other priorities for the country. As the recent liberation of Maternus Bere shows, the governments of Indonesia and Timor-Leste think that ending impunity is not as important as developing friendly relations with people and institutions who committed crimes against the people of Timor-Leste. If you as a citizen of Timor-Leste don’t agree with this, the UN Security Council needs to hear from you, so that they have a better understanding of Timorese views. The Security Council has the power to create an International Tribunal, but they will never do it if they believe that Timor-Leste doesn’t want it. For years, the UN has promised justice and accountability for human rights crimes committed during the Indonesian occupation, but they done little except repeat their principle that “impunity must never prevail anywhere.” If José Ramos-Horta and Xanana Gusmăo do not represent your views on justice, this is your chance to communicate directly to the leaders of the international community. Tell them who you are, what you think, what you want the Council to do, and why. Don’t worry about format or protocol; write according to your own capacity. Letters can be from individuals or organizations, in Tetum or English, handwritten, typed or emailed. If the letter is from an organization, please put it on letterhead. The East Timor and Indonesia Action Network (ETAN) and the International Federation for East Timor (IFET) will copy your letter and deliver it to each Security Council member in New York. Please email it to in MS Word or Adobe PDF format, or bring your letter on paper to La’o Hamutuk’s office in Farol. Please send your letter as soon as it is ready, but no later than 19 October. Be sure to include your name and location. Members of the Security Council: Austria | France | Turkey | Burkina Faso | Japan | Uganda | China | Libyan Arab Jamahiriya | United Kingdom | Costa Rica | Mexico | United States of America | Croatia | Russia | Viet Nam |